
I'm in my mid-thirties, married with 2 children. The main focus of this blog will be how I've introduced my son Benji to board games, and how I think they've had a positive effect on him and his development.

Now, you may be thinking, "hang on, you have two kids, why is Benji the star of the show?" - good question! The simple reason is that Jennifer is not yet 1, and her main involvement in board games is trying to eat the pieces that happen to fall onto the floor whilst we're playing. As she gets older, if she turns out to be a gamer like her older brother, then I'm sure she'll start to feature more prominently.

My wife is the final, but most important member of our little family. She is not a 'gamer', however I am slowly introducing her to the world of modern board games. She has even been known (occasionally) to ask to play something!

The Aim:

So what is the aim of this blog, why am I writing it and what do i hope to achieve?
I've been thinking about writing a blog for a little while - I've listened to numerous podcasts, and watched many video series about board games, but I don't have the time or equipment to make that sort of content. However, any idiot with a laptop can write a blog, as I'm demonstrating right now. The final trigger came recently when I offered to write a piece for someone else's website, around the educational benefits of games, and decided that if I could do that, I could write my own blog - so here we are.
This blog will do three main things.
Firstly it will take you on a bit of a journey, explaining how I came to enjoy board games, how I got my son and wife into playing games, and hopefully will serve as a bit of a 'gaming diary' as we explore new and different games.
Secondly, it will attempt to provide a case study regarding the benefits that games provide my son, which hopefully you can use with your own children.
Finally, it will provide some reviews on the games we play, how they work with my family, and will hopefully give you an insight into whether they may be a good fit for you and your family.

Thanks for reading, please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
