Before I start to explain my son's journey into this hobby, it's probably worthwhile giving you some background into how I got started in this hobby.

I'm the youngest of 4 children, and when I was younger we used to spend Sunday afternoons playing board games with my dad, We'd play the usual stuff; Cluedo, Totopoly, Game of Life, Go for Broke, Careers, Hotel, Risk and so on - the kinds of games that most people probably had around the house. It was really nice spending time with the family, playing these games, and I clearly developed an enjoyment for moving bits of plastic around a board.

Well, times change - my siblings grew up and found better things to do on a Sunday. I'd still occasionally play these games - by myself acting for different 'players' (I know, I really needed more friends I guess), but before too long I discovered video games.

I had a Commodore 64, upgraded to an Amiga, and after a time would hover over my mum as the end of her work day approached, ready to swoop onto her new PC and get ready for a game of Police Quest, or Master of Orions, or Ultima Underworld. Then I got myself a PlayStation, and before too long board games were consigned to a dusty cupboard.

But I always kept a toe in the deep end of the geek pool - I dabbled in tabletop miniature games (and discovered I don't have the time, money, or artistic talent required), and even Role Playing games, and it was the later that eventually led me to board games - but I'll come back of the subject of these other hobbies, and how they can benefit children in later blogs

A quick Google search looking for Role Playing stores near me led me to wander down Ballards Lane in Finchley - Leisure Games was my destination, and it was there that I discovered the modern board games - and how different they are to anything I had played before.

Where we used to have 'roll and move', now we have wonderful mechanics such as 'Worker Placement', 'Action Selection', 'Card drafting' and 'Deck Building'.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. My first purchase was a little game called 'Ticket to Ride', and from there I found - easily the number one website for the board gaming hobby - and quickly saw the vast options that are available.

So there you have it - my name's Neil and I'm a geek.

At least 'geek' is cool these days.

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